Free drivers for M-AUDIO MobilePre USB. Please select the driver to download. Additionally, you can choose Operating System to see the drivers that will be compatible with your OS. Download drivers for M-Audio HP Mobile Broadband USB Bus Enumerated Device Wi-Fi devices (Windows 7 x64), or install DriverPack Solution software for automatic driver download and update. Download drivers for M-Audio HP Mobile Broadband USB Bus Enumerated Device Wi-Fi devices (Windows 10 x64), or install DriverPack Solution software for automatic driver download and update. This driver package provides the necessary installation files of M-Audio Fast Track USB Driver 5.v2. If you already installed a previous version of this driver, we recommend upgrading to. Drivers, Firmware, & Software Updates Search. Do you have the latest drivers for your device? Our engineering team is constantly adding, updating and improving our drivers to ensure optimal performance.
Just got my update and am excited about LIVE 8!However, with the upgrade I am no longer able to select my Fast Tracks Pro as an input. Under Preferences I am selecting ASIO driver type and then trying to open the M Audio USB ASIO, which is an option, but it immediately errors and says 'Failed to open the audio device M Audio USB ASIO.'
I have tried this with latest drivers installed and without with the same error and it has worked in previous versions. Is there somewhere else I can install this device? Windows vista Service pack 1
Please help me get going!
M-audio USB Devices Driver